Retrieve the quartus90_modelsim63b tag for ModelSim script and library files in CVS_ROOT\mce\scripts\modelsim\ - or whichever tag in that directory that corresponds to the one that you retrieved for the VHDL files above.Updating the CVS repository to HEAD may cause compilation errors in ModelSim, because the HEAD is not necessarily working code. Retrieve the quartus90_modelsim63b tag for VHDL files in CVS_ROOT\mce\cards.Have both of these programs installed cleanly on your system before proceeding any further. Note that the following versions work together: Quartus 9.0 SP2 and ModelSim 6.3b.When installing Modelsim6.6c and Quartus10.0SP1 on Win7-64bit, I took some notes here What is listed below predates my installation, but it is more or less true. Click on the 'Environment Variables' button.

Browse to 'Start->Control Panel->System Properties'.Load 'Start->All Programs->ModelSim X.Yz->Licensing Wizard'.A License Wizard may then start automatically. When asked by the installation window if you need to install a new license, click 'No'.To check that Altera has created the libraries that you need to support the version of ModelSim that you are installing, check here: Therefore, it is in your best interest to store old versions of ModelSim. By that time, the version of ModelSim they are compatible with is usually no longer available from the ModelSim website. Note: Altera takes some time to issue libraries that are compatible with the latest version of ModelSim. Download the latest version of ModelSim SE here:, and store the downloaded files here.